According to Urban Dictionary (my go-to source for slang and hip-hop lingo -- you never want to drop phrases like 'boo' or 'shizzle' inappropriately, you know), a shorty is "an affectionate term for a girlfriend, attractive female, or a concubine."
In this case, however, I'm using it to describe a short blog posting. As in, no pictures (sorry, Shannan -- I'll make up for it later!). Yesterday was spent recovering from Saturday night's festivities -- which were a BLAST -- and watching the John Adams marathon on HBO. But I did take time out from my couch potatoing to draw the winner of the "It's a Mod, Mod World" set from The Cat's Pajamas. I so enjoyed reading about your beloved furry friends over the past couple of days -- pets are definitely a huge part of so many of our lives. Anyway, the number I drew was....
36, and the lucky winner is...
Claudia F.
Claudia wrote, "Your baby is beautiful! We had a dog named Callie who loved bananas and playing hide and seek, now we have a cat who loves bananas, she loves to give kisses too. We also have a cat who plays fetch."
Congratulations, Claudia, and thanks so much to everyone who entered, especially those who paid Gretel such wonderful compliments. She told me to tell you ~~~lick!~~~, which I think must be a doggy version of {{{hugs!}}}
What??? No pictures?? HMPH.
YAY Claudia!
Posted by: Shannan Teubner | April 21, 2008 at 10:55 AM
congrats claudia!
Posted by: Gina Wrona | April 21, 2008 at 11:55 AM
Congrats Claudia!
Glad you had a fantastic time, your gift bags were FABULOUS!
Posted by: Elizebeth | April 21, 2008 at 01:39 PM
In my book a 'shorty' is a 6" cheesesteak sandwhich at our local Amato's cheesesteak shop! ;D
Posted by: tracy f | April 21, 2008 at 08:13 PM
Ah Gretel loves us!!! Can't wait to hear about the party; hope all went fabulous!!!
Posted by: Michele | April 21, 2008 at 10:15 PM