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May 07, 2009



Wow, I remember that particular column. I cut it out at the time and and it's still in my Bible. Erma was one of my favorites and I miss her.

Jody Morrow

Awww, Carole. That gave me goosebumps and made me cry! You ARE a special Mom! HUGS and Happy Mother's Day! :)

Laura (scrapnextras)

Happy Mother's Day Carole! Go look in the mirror now.


Thank you Carole! This is a wonderful piece which I have already passed on to some moms who this story describes perfectly.
Happy Mother's Day to you.


That is EXACTLY why he picked you!! You are amazing!!

theresa forge

thank you so much for this wonderful post. As the mom of a daughter with Down Syndrome, this made me cry "happy tears" as she likes to call them. Thanks and God bless!

Bonnie Sharp

Did you not BAWL at the top of your lungs when you read this??! I surely did.....My daughter is a TRIAL (yes, capital letters!) everyday, but when I dare to think that I was chosen? heart softens.....prayer is more than powerful....still, sometimes I just have to give it up to Him. Does this make any sense?

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