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July 01, 2009


Sharon (notimetostamp)

What a cute, cute idea -- this is JUST darling - great use for FS! Love it!

Niki Estes

This is so cute, Carole! I love her fuzzy robe!

Deb Saaranen

How cute is this?!? Perfect Santa robe! Adorable!

Charmaine Ikach

Oh how adorable, Carole! I just LOVE that fuzzy robe!

Jody Morrow

Super cute!


This is adorable Carole! Love the fuzzy robe!

Jane Harrah

So cute but where the heck do you find the white Flower Soft? I looked and couldn't find it.


Simply adorable!!! Love it!


I want a red robe with a fluffy collar! LOL
What I'd really love is that day lounging, but that ain't gonna happen, so I'll just visualize it with the help of your prose~


Out of the box **snap snap** Out of the Box **snap snap**.... SAD SAD THING... I LOOOOVED That show!!! HAHAHAHAH

CONGRATS ON THE CATS PJ'S!!! I dont have that set and it's KILLIN ME..... LOL

LOVE the flower soft robe....

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