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August 14, 2010


Kelly Lunceford

You definitely have bragging rights and I am so glad you did! I never would have known! I am in love with that image, too! I think she may just be a "must Have"! Thanks for sharing!

Ashley Nguyen Newell

What a CUTE card! I didn't even know Amanda was your niece so it's a good thing you mentioned that in your post, I would be SO out of the loop. This card is ADORABLE! I am in love with all the glittery goodness! And the gingham with the pink, LOVE!

Have fun at the movie! I want to go see that soooo badly, I'm hoping either tonight or tomorrow. It's one of my favorite books!

Amy Rohl

You and I are on opposite ends with this back to school biz--I'll be back to work/school with less time to stamp...and you'll be getting all jiggy with your stamps on a daily jealous!

Hey, this is one cute and coordinated card! Love that sparkly cupcake and your black gingham against the fuchsia! Love that the embossed fuchsia layers look like Barbie legos--didn't have those when WE were little!

Jenn Diercks

This is adorable! I didn't know Amanda was your Niece. I love those images and have a few of them from MFT. I hear you about the heat. We spent about 1 1/2 hours out in it this morning and are headed back out for a cookout soon. UGH! I'm not looking forward to that, but I am looking forward to the start of school. I think I'll be a much nicer Mom once it starts back up.

Megan Lock

This is great. I love all the glitters and the bright pink. Which reminds me--I'm very afraid you're going to call for Yoyo Yellow on a consist basis with the TCP color challenge. It's a very scary thing, that Joanne passing the color combo challenge to you.

Emma and I do stay inside a lot, as I image you and your boys do. It's just too dang hot. And I agree, it is MY fault we haven't gotten together. It's absolutely shameful. Of course, we would've met in Chicago if I hadn't taken a detour to the birthing room. That's the only reason I'm taking the blame here. :) Perhaps we can arrange a get together when your schedule allows. It would be a blast if we could con Jen and Sus to meet us too. They're not that far away!


Oh how AWESOME is THAT!!!! THE original Sketch!!!! WOWZERS!!!!! Well, I gotta tellya, Amanda Baird designs totally call to me... and you SHOULD be Proud!!!!

PS Where's the you tube on the cyst killing??? YOU PROMISED!!!!!! LOL

Margaret R

I had a ganglion cyst removed when I was in high school in 1957 or 58, I was in the hospital for 2 days so that shows you how far medicine has come, Never had the nerve to try the book (alwyas heard it should be a bible LOL )

Leigh O'Brien

All sweetness and cupcakey cuteness, Carole! YUM!

Carolyn King

How awesome. This stamp is one of my favs (didnt even realize it was an Amanda illustration!)
What a wonderful sweet gift she gave you too!!!

Kimberly Gajewski

This is adorable Carole! Love the sparkle! I combined Jen's sketch with cupcakes too! Glad that your wrist is better! (I feel like I know you well because I've been lurking around your blog for so!) You can brag away about your niece...what a talent! When you have a chance, please let us know about the movie! I hope to see it soon! :D

Cindy haffner

I just LOVE her!


LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE her Carole! The sparkle on the cupcake totally makes her shine!! How LUCKY are you to have Amanda's original sketch! You can brag away girl...she totally ROCKS (just like you!!!) MWAH!

Carole (FibreJunky)

That is so super cool! I had no idea Amanda was your niece!! Talent sure runs in your family!! Brag on! You both deserve it!!

Julie Dinn

Gorgeous card Carole! Love that Amanda gave you the original sketch! What a sweet and thoughtful gift.


Gorgeous card, and you should brag...she is amazing!!! LOVE it, and you are so lucky to have the!!


She is just wonderful! Thanks for the mention, you can find a link on our FaceBook Fan Club
[email protected]

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